Repair WordPress Database by PhpMyAdmin

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Repair WordPress Database by PhpMyAdmin

This post will describe how to “Repair WordPress Database by PhpMyAdmin” in step by step. WordPress use MySQL database; and sometimes MySQL table become inaccessible due to some errors and need to be repaired. “Repair WordPress Database” is an easy procedure but may save you at your very crucial moment.

  1. Log in to your cPanel and select phpMyadmin


  2. After logged in to phpMyAdmin, select the database from the right corner
  3. Check all tables
  4. Just right of check all select “Repair table”
  5. Check the output after clicking “Repair table”
  6. Repair all tables by sql command
    you can also run repair command from your sql window or sql command prompt.

     REPAIR TABLE  `wp_commentmeta` ,  `wp_comments` ,  `wp_links` ,  `wp_options` ,  `wp_postmeta` ,  `wp_posts` ,  `wp_terms` , `wp_term_relationships` ,  `wp_term_taxonomy` ,  `wp_usermeta` ,  `wp_users`

Repair is not a frequent operation. It requires only when you can’t access a table of your database. However for safe purpose you can run it once a month

There is a same procedure by which you can Optimize WordPress Database by PhpMyAdmin